Sunday, March 8, 2009

Zebra Butterfly Cake

Well, I've finished another cake. This is my favorite so far. It made me really happy when I was done. I started getting on Gabriel's nerves, though, because I kept opening the refrigerator door to get another peek at the cake. Unfortunately, the cake high is only temporary. I'm ready to do another one.

The cake was made for Mrs. Hawkins, the pastor's wife at Southgate Baptist. She's a decorator with good fashion sense, so I tried to think of her when designing the cake. I stole the tablecloth idea from one of the cakes I saw in Charm City Cakes website.

I always love whem my mom or husband take the side angle shot. It always come out so pretty. Thanks so much to my mom for these super nice photos.

5 comments: said...

What makes this cake so special (beside its beauty) is the fact that you thought about the person and designed it for her. Looking at this cake, I can see exactly why you designed it for Jackie! It really is a designer original. You are going to do so good at this, my girl! Love you!

Brianne said...

Uuhhh...this blog is making me HUNGRY :)

Katie said...

Tabitha, this is so cool! You have always been creative! I will be checking your blog.

claudia said...

such a lovely cake!
so fashion!
really nice blog, I found it surfing the web!

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Very creative!