Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rose Baby Cake and Alphabet Block Cupcakes

This baby shower cake was fudge marble with vanilla icing, covered in Wilton fondant. The sign reads "3 down, 1 more to go." The mother has a goal of four children, I believe, and already has three.

"Rose Baby" - special request from the client

Sister of the baby

Brother of the baby
He kind of reminds me of Calvin from "Calvin & Hobbes".

These went along with the cake. They were supposed to be petit fours but that didn't work out :( Can anyboy tell me how to successfully cover petit fours?


Laura Varela said...

Hi! I love your work, you really pay attention to the details, I think that's important in cake decoration. Now, if I understood your question... Have you tried the same marshmallow fondant?? If you want, take a look:

Keep doing an excellent job! Bye!